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Marco Codegoni | Meliora Career Consulting

Marco Codegoni

Linkedin | Marco Codegoni

13 years experience in Strategic Consulting and Consulting interviews

  • 8 years in BCG: from «lateral hire» consultant to senior principal

    • More than 300 interviews with all levels candidates

    • On campus business case preparation at Bocconi, Politecnico, ESCP, …

    • Trainer for new interviewers, career advisor, member of BCG People Committee

  • 4 years as a Partner in a leading Swiss UHNWI consulting boutique

    • 360° consulting to major entrepreneurs and families with 50+ M€ estates

    • Active recruiter and trainer for consultants and managers


  • 7 years experience in investment banking in UK and Italy

    • Senior advisor for a start up active in sustainability sector

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